
Theme of Zoom Meeting: Courage

©2021 by Richard E. Gordon      Last updated: 3/12/2021
Duplication prohibited without author’s permission.  rgordon118@tampabay.rr.com

For several questions, I have provided underlined links that will take you to related online information. Try coming up with your own thoughts first – then investigate the links or ignore them – whatever you wish.

If the links don’t work with just your mouse arrow, hold down your Ctrl key as you click.

1.     What does the word courage mean to you?

2.     Take a minute to make a sketch illustrating courage. Then tell us what you sketched. What, if anything, did the sketches of our group have in common that you found especially significant? Results of Google image search on “courageous sketches”.

3.     Shut your eyes for minute. If you’re willing to share with us, tell us what is the first image that comes into your mind. Would you consider that image masculine or feminine? Young or old? What might the nature of this first image tell you about yourself?

4.     If you did a Google image search on courageous people, what are some of the images you would expect to find?  Would you expect most of the human images to be female or male? If you can -- before or during the meeting -- do this image search and tell us of any surprising results. How about the sex or race or age of the images? Share with us your thoughts regarding the significance of the search.

5.     What is the greatest example of courage you have come across in your personal life?

6.     What causes people to show courage? Their genes? The way they were raised? Other factors?

7.     How can we practice courage in our daily lives?

8.     Are suicide bombers courageous?

9.     What do you mean if you say “Courage is very much in the eye of the beholder”?

10.  Is courage contagious? How about cowardice?

11.  How can we tell if we have courage?

12.  What do kids think about courage?

13.  Can our schools educate children to show courage? How?

14.  To succeed in the business world – to climb the corporate ladder – must women show more courage than their male cohorts? In some countries, like Saudi Arabia, for example, must women exert exceptional courage to reach success?

15.  Can animals show courage?

16.  Is there someone living today whom you regard as the personification of courage? You may be interested in viewing Google Image search on “courageous political leaders”.




1.     The coward dies a thousand deaths, the brave but one'.... (The man who first said that) was probably a coward.... He knew a great deal about cowards but nothing about the brave. The brave dies perhaps two thousand deaths if he's intelligent. He simply doesn't mention them.”—Ernest Hemingway

2.     Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” ― Lao Tzu

3.     Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” ― Winston S. Churchill

4.     You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.”
William Faulkner

5.     Courage is doing what you are afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you are scared.” -- Eddie Rickenbacker

6.     Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.”  -- Billy Graham

7.     I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.― Nelson Mandela

8.     Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”-- Winston Churchill

9.     Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”-- Anais Nin

10.  The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.”― Coco Chanel